Japan Financial Job Market in 2024

Trending Tech Roles in 2024
In the past year, there has been a notable demand for Infrastructure, Site Reliability, and Network Engineers. However, recently, firms have started seeking more C++, Quant, and Java developers. This trend is expected to continue in the upcoming months across various firms, from investment banks, Hedge Funds, Asset Managers and FinTech firms.
From discussions with hiring managers, it is evident that requirements for years of experience, and language proficiency are quite flexible, especially within development teams mainly operating in English. Instead, there is a focus on a strong technical background, relevant hands-on experience, and stable work history. However, having bilingual skills remains a significant advantage.
Within domestic investment banks, there is a trend of shifting from the vendor model to in-house development, with a focus on revamping legacy systems. This unique change, while presenting some challenges, also opens numerous exciting opportunities. In addition to developers, roles such as IT Project Managers, Business Analysts, and Data Scientists/Analysts are currently sought after.
Additionally, our exposure continues to grow with FinTech firms, with increasing demand for roles not only in development/engineering but also in marketing and product management.
Trending Front Office Roles (Buy-side) in 2024
There are some common trends between buy-side and sell-side, especially in Sales and Product functions. Most of our clients – Asset Managers and Hedge Funds are looking for candidates with strong Fixed Income, Equities and Alternatives backgrounds and exposure to institutional clients.
On top of that, Marketing roles have been in steady demand due to new business expansion opportunities in Japan.
Although last year IBD hiring was quiet, we have started seeing a pick up in demand with roles in corporate finance, M&A and ECM/DCM. Within these areas, Analyst to VP candidates have been the most sought after, with some demand for seniors.
Additionally, Risk, Economists and Research roles are seeing steady demand, but driven more by Hedge Funds than Long Only firms.
Trending Front Office Roles (Sell-side) in 2024
Flow Trading across Rates and Equities remains to be the go-to-job-search, with various banks and buy side firms seeking Traders and Portfolio Managers
QIS Sales, Marketing and Structuring along with Non-flow (Credit) Sales roles are extremely sought after. The client base focus has mostly been within central financial institutions as well as regional banks.
On the Equity side, while Long Short Japan Equity PMs have been extremely in demand, we have also seen a recent increase in needs for Sales Traders, Equity Finance Traders as well as some needs for Research Analysts.
While the exodus of JGB and JPY Swap traders moving to the buy side has slowed down a bit, several clients are predicting to see a reverse momentum within the next year or so, with a lot of those traders looking to move back to the sell side.
Junior positions are always available for young, hungry and driven candidates with bilingual language proficiency. Therefore, this creates opportunities to change working environment and step up in salary.